Sunday, December 9, 2012

One Hundred Masonic Poems - George Markham Tweddell 1887

In 1887 George Markham Tweddell published his book One Hundred Masonic Poems - presented here on these pages - one poem per post. 

A Hundred Masonic Sonnets
The original book includes a long introduction,
which is not published here. A modern reader might
read much of the spirit of the sonnets to be
encouraging Freemasons to study Freemasonry
philosophy in order to adapt its high standards of
personal conduct.
The layout of the original gives a single page to each
sonnet with the page numbering coinciding with
The word ‘Cowan’, which appears in a number of
the following Masonic Sonnets (e.g. No. 3 and No.
31), is used here in its Masonic meaning as an
‘unwelcomed interloper’. As with the Oddfellows
societies, it was the task of the ‘Tyler’ to bar such
people from the Lodge (see No. 72) and financial
accounts of the latter often show money laid aside
for him to pay for beer whilst he undertook his
lonely task at the entrance door.
Paul Tweddell 2008

From the original book.

In more recent times, there have been criticisms of Tweddell's Masonic poems, written later in life and suffering ill health. Didactic poetry is no longer the vogue but these next piece is taken from the introduction to the Collected poems of George Markham Tweddell, published in 2008 by Paul Tweddell and Trev Teasdel and the full collection shows the range and depth of the poems - but 
an initial look at these Masonic poems shows that they are: -

  •  Clearly didactic (in accordance with the style of the time) and suited to his intended purpose in instructing his fellow Masons and in the words of the second Masonic poem (p. 99 below)“to elevate his to warm [at least] one frozen mind to life; show the plan of Masonry to be no useless maze to puzzle fools”.
  • Have a recognisable form – that of the Sonnet. It is clear that GMT is well acquainted with the form and its variants and there’s evidence to suggest that he might even be innovating with the form if you consider the wide variations of the rhyme schemes over the 100 poems including a few with a non-standard number of lines (these are identified after each poem).
  • The diction may not be as ‘elevated’ as in other of his poems however, considering it is a didactic work, the language seems appropriate and nonetheless still contains persuasive imagery with some extended metaphors, etc.
  • Indeed the poems employ a range of Masonic emblems such as ‘The All-Seeing Eye’, ‘The Great Architect’, ‘The Gavel’, ‘The Compass’ and more. Furthermore some of the poems refer directly to the emblematic and symbolic function of his poetry but more on that later!
  • These sonnets treat a wide range of themes both close to his heart and life’s work as well as being pertinent to being a ‘good Freemason’. Among the themes we find ‘justice’, ‘truth’, ‘love’, ‘sincerity, ‘charity’, ‘freedom from ignorance and superstition’, ‘wisdom’, ‘spiritual development’, ‘prudence’, ‘equality’, ‘friendship’, ‘silence’, ‘tyrants’, ‘oppressors and slavery’, ‘symbolism’, ‘Robbie Burns’, the ‘spiritual temple of the soul’ and many more.
A few of the poems read almost as if he is writing alternative (or Masonic) prayers. Sonnet No. 6 in the collection [p. 100 below] certainly seems to read that way, as could the last, prayer-like four lines of the previous sonnet [p. 100 below], ‘Truth, No I’:
With joy will welcome in the glorious time
When truth alone will reign. Then, as in heaven
God will be truly served; all wars will cease
And Love and Charity for aye increase”

In Bards and Authors of Cleveland and South Durham GMT comments, in a chapter on Great Ayton’s poet, William Martin, himself a Freemason, with lines that might explain the purpose of his later A Hundred Masonic Poems:
“Save poor Burns’s ever famous “Farewell to the Brethren of the St. James Lodge, Tarbolton”, …… and few other glorious exceptions, the things miscalled Masonic songs are mere bombast, doggerel, or drunken staves, scribbled by men who have been totally unable to comprehend the beautiful system of Morality, “veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols,” which they have profanely professed to defend and illustrate.”
I think, therefore this work clearly attempted to address those concerns. One might therefore look at this work to see to what extent (in compliance with his wish to be judged by the aim of the work) he achieved those aims. Of course GMT exempted William Martin himself from the above!
The Masonic poems illustrate the point that GMT’s full range of poetry functioned in different ways for his various purposes.

Freemasonry—Introduction, No. I

Freemasonry—Introduction, No. I. [No. 1]

I fain would sing—a humble Sonneteer—
The charms of Masonry: which, to my mind,
Comprises all that benefits mankind,
And can our troubled spirits truly cheer;
All Arts and Sciences, all Moral Worth; 5
Whatever raises Man to that high state
Of intellect and goodness which the hate
Of wicked men can harm not. Oh! this Earth
Is beautiful! It would have no dearth
Of happy creatures if we would fulfil 10
Our duties to each other: for the will
Of the Great Architect, who call’d forth
From chaos, is—that happiness should be
Our lot through time and all eternity.

by George Markham Tweddell  1st published 1887


Freemasonry—Introduction, No. II. [No. 2]

And if my feeble lyre should cause one Man
To elevate his vision; if it helps to warm
One frozen mind to life; if it shows the plan
Of Masonry to be no useless maze
To puzzle fools, or merely to amuse 5
Their idle hours; if it give higher views
Of our old Craft to any, in those days
Of full and free inquiry; most of all,
If it should aid in causing us to live
Those holy precepts Masonry doth give 10
To all her children; if it help to call
One laggard Mason to his work again,—
Those simple Sonnets are not sung in vain.

by George Markham Tweddell  1st published 1887

Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love [No. 3]

He in whose heart love for his fellow-men
Hath ne’er ta’en root, a Mason cannot be!
It is the first great requisite; and he
Would be a Cowan in our midst, e’en when
All ceremonies we could on him waste 5
Had been perform’d. Sign he might give, ‘tis true,
Pass-words might answer, and might catch the cue
To act an unfelt part; but ne’er in haste,
Nor e’en at leisure, would we find that man
By Brotherly Love e’er moved to do a deed 10
To help another in his utmost need,
Or comfort the distress’d: for no one can
Make a true Mason of such worthless stuff;
And base material we have quite enough.

by George Markham Tweddell  1st published 1887


Relief [No. 4]

Open thine ears to listen to the tale
Which Sorrow longs to tell thee; let thy heart
Sympathise with all suffering; or no part
Of Masonry is thine. If thy hand fail
To deal such bounty as thou canst afford; 5
Or thy heart fail in sympathy, though thou
May give relief reluctantly,—bestow
Alms thou hadst rather hoarded; sweet accord
With our dear Craft dwells not within thy soul.
We must relieve the destitute, or we 10
Are rank impostors in Freemasonry,—
Which all our thoughts and feelings should control
To give Relief, by kindly word and deed,
To Brother, Widow, Orphan, and to all who need.

by George Markham Tweddell  1st published 1887

Truth, No. I

Truth, No. I. [No. 5]

Of all the virtue which mankind can bless,
Truth shines the brightest; all the rest would pale
Without it; but it can never fail
To make our Earth an Eden. Let us caress
Truth in our inmost hearts; Truth not alone 5
In words but thoughts and actions, so that we
May stand upright in our integrity,
Like true and perfect Masons. Ev’ry zone
Of Earth shall see the Light; Falsehood be driven
Back to its native Hell; and ev’ry clime 10
With joy will welcome in the glorious time
When Truth alone shall reign. Then, as in Heaven,
God will be truly served; all wars will cease,
And Love and Charity for aye increase.

by George Markham Tweddell  1st published 1887

Truth, No. II

Truth, No. II. [No. 6]

No virtue known to angels or to men
Is more sublime than Truth. Without its aid
Justice and Mercy from our earth would fade,
And happiness no more be known: for then
Hatred and Strife would desolate mankind; 5
The joys of Home would all be quite unknown;
All confidence would from each heart be flown;
And Love no longer could the Mason bind
In Brotherhood to Man. Then let us all
Cherish fair Truth, in thought and word and deed, 10
And all our ways in life would surely lead
Our footsteps where true pleasures never pall,—
In that harmonious Grand Lodge above,
Where we shall dwell with God in everlasting love.

by George Markham Tweddell 1st published 1887